Tag Archives: Michael Brown

The Katrina Conspiracy: What Really Happened 10 Years Ago in New Orleans?

Super Dome Storm

“By the time Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, and the nexus of Republican politicians, think tanks and land developers started talking about ‘clean sheets’ and exciting opportunities, it was clear that this was now the preferred method of advancing corporate goals: using moments of collective trauma to engage in radical social and economic engineering.”

-Naomi Klein The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

It is now the 10-year anniversary of what many people consider to be the worst natural catastrophe that has ever befallen this country in terms of lives lost and ruined. It was certainly the costliest, according to Wikipedia, at $108 billion in total damages. However, the true catastrophe wasn’t hurricane Katrina itself (devastating though it most certainly was) but rather the abject failure of the so-called government response on practically all levels (city, state, and federal) that was the real tragedy of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. However, what if it wasn’t as natural as we’ve been led to believe? And, perhaps most disturbing of all to consider, what if the government response wasn’t so much a failure of total incompetence but rather the result of a federally mandated coup of a state’s emergency response in order to a) Institute Martial Law over the Gulf Coast region as part of a psychological “Shock and Awe” program and b) Displace about a million mostly poor black people from their homes as part of a massive land grab and development privatization agenda? It was this militaristic and greedy tragedy that revealed itself in the racist, disaster capitalist aftermath of Katrina that truly scarred this nation…the effects of which are still continuing today. We might, therefore, begin to ask ourselves: “What, if anything, have we learned from the storm of 2005?” My guess would be not much of anything, as recent racially charged events have shown.

National Hurricane Map

While the mainstream media focused on the gross ineptitude of agencies like FEMA in their lax response to the unfolding events, the true story of the Battle of New Orleans post-Katrina has yet to be fully told and likely never will be. The reason for this is because to tell the true story would point to evidence that is far more devastating than mere incompetence and show how there were concerted aims within the highest levels of government that helped make this disaster much, much worse as part of a brutal, though sophisticated, psy-op and land grab. Granted, this was not to say that cronyism and nepotism played no role in the disaster response. After all, Michael Brown (or “Brownie” as Bush called him) was appointed to the position out of simply being close to Bush and Co. from using his previous position as Judge and Steward of the International Arabian Horse Association to run a vendetta on behalf of a close Bush Sr. friend. However, one wonders in vain how that qualifies him for the top spot at FEMA. And, yet it’s deeper than that. So, although pseudo-liberal media pundits feel compelled to rail against the socioeconomic inequalities that they rightly perceive within the mostly poor black parishes surrounding New Orleans as putting them in a much more vulnerable position viz-a-viz the government, the idea that fascist factions within government would help precipitate and even benefit from such a major disaster are considered by most mainstream media outlets to be conspiratorial lunacy. However, I believe that is precisely what happened.

Let’s examine the evidence for this thesis very closely. First, we now know through the work of Jerry Smith, Elana Freeland, and others that the US has access to “weather modification technology” and huge arrays like HAARP, which constitute an entire revolutionary form of technology under the rubric of “Geo-engineering”. In the case of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) that acts as a giant ionospheric heater, this technology can essentially alter the jet stream, create drought-like conditions over an area, and (in the case of Katrina, Rita, and the more recent hurricane Sandy) even steer a hurricane into a city if need be. This is the conclusion of research done by David Icke and Richard Hoagland, both of whom posted articles on their websites showing weird heat signatures in the Gulf of Mexico when it appeared that hurricane Katrina might very well have been steered into New Orleans rather than allowing it follow its natural trajectory that had it going further west into southeast Texas.

Quote of William Cohen About Geoengineering

Apparently, HAARP was very active that day 10 years ago when hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, which, given the fact that it is a city where much of it is built under sea level, was quite unprepared to handle such a powerful direct hit. As we all know, shortly after Katrina made landfall…many of the levees broke and the real very extensive damage to both people and property was made evident in the heavy flooding of the area where hundreds of people lost their lives. Here again, however, we have conflicting reports as to what actually caused those levees to break. According to the Army Corps of Engineers, the levee system was designed to withstand a Category 4 hurricane and below. Hurricane Katrina was a Category 3 hurricane when it made landfall and therefore should have held but didn’t. Why not? Were the levees really that poorly constructed, or were they intentionally blown up as some New Orleans residents close to the levees reported happened?

Even Spike Lee’s acclaimed documentary, entitled “When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts” that originally aired on HBO, made reference to the idea that certain levees were blown up intentionally (most likely using underwater shape charges) to flood poorer neighborhoods like the Lower 9th Ward and help save rich tourist areas like the French Quarter, which remained relatively undamaged and comparatively dry. At one point during the documentary, long-time New Orleanians recounted hearing huge explosions going off and then quickly being flooded out. The $64,000 question, however, remains, “Were the extremely loud explosions heard merely the result of the levees breaking from the force of the water, or were they the result of a controlled demolition that caused them to burst by people, elements, and/or agencies yet unknown?” If, in fact, my thesis is correct in presuming that the Katrina catastrophe was part of a psychological warfare campaign against the poor and real estate land grab after their inevitable displacement, then I would suspect that those people orchestrating such a move would leave nothing to chance and would therefore blow the levees intentionally using people like underwater demolition experts, like Navy SEALs, to pull it off. Unfortunately, the only way to truly ascertain whether or not something like that was done would be to collect and examine the levee walls for possible explosive residue left over, but this kind of evidence (much like the debris from the Twin Towers post-9/11) would obviously be hauled off, destroyed, and subsequently covered up.

What of the horrific human costs? This, more than anything, represents the most tragic aspect of the disaster that continues to live on in the shattered lives of people who lost everything in the floods (their homes, their lifelong possessions, their pets, their community, their friends, even sometimes their family members) only to face a very harsh and uncertain future in a strange town or city far away from what they called home. Forced to live like a refugee and vagabond with distant relatives, in-laws, or even total strangers who opened up their homes, these survivors faced a new set of challenges to overcome in cobbling together what was left of their lives and family. And, no doubt, many would succumb to paralyzing depression, PTSD, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide in the months and years to follow their mass exodus out of Louisiana. Adding to this stifling stress was the knowledge that nothing was being done to help these refugees transition back to New Orleans, since their neighborhoods remained toxic debris fields years afterwards and therefore a prohibition remained in place to returning.

07 Sep 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA --- Chickasaw Nation Search and Rescuer, Casey Kelley, of Ada, Oklahoma, can only watch as his rescue boat makes it's way past a home with a dead body floating in the front yard in New Orleans Sept. 7, 05. At this stage in the search and rescue operations, few dead bodies are being recovered because all efforts are going towards finding the living following Hurricane Katrina over a week ago in New Orleans Sept. 7, 05. --- Image by © BARBARA DAVIDSON/Dallas Morning News/Corbis

07 Sep 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA — Chickasaw Nation Search and Rescuer, Casey Kelley, of Ada, Oklahoma, can only watch as his rescue boat makes it’s way past a home with a dead body floating in the front yard in New Orleans Sept. 7, 05. At this stage in the search and rescue operations, few dead bodies are being recovered because all efforts are going towards finding the living following Hurricane Katrina over a week ago in New Orleans Sept. 7, 05. — Image by © BARBARA DAVIDSON/Dallas Morning News/Corbis

What many people fail to realize is that many (if not most) of those people who lived in the predominantly poor black neighborhoods of the Lower 9th Ward and East New Orleans were home owners, and when they lost their homes in the flood waters, were screwed by the insurance companies in receiving just compensation for their loss, and were prevented from returning and rebuilding due to the city bureaucracy and law enforcement…they literally had no fall back position in which to fully recover. However, as Naomi Klein makes clear in her book “The Shock Doctrine”, a disaster (whether natural or man-made) is quickly capitalized on by private corporations to make major money in the midst of majority misery. So, you can expect that private real estate developers are making a killing on commercial New Orleans real estate that, thanks to their corrupt friends in the City Council and State Legislature, I’m sure they’ll be gentrifying with high-end condos, restaurants, hotels, and clubs in order rake in the moolah, while the ghosts of Katrina’s dead stir restlessly in the humid breeze and the impoverished black survivors are kept outside the homeowner’s association neighborhood gates. Even for “Chocolate City”, the implied sign above the entrance into the French Quarter reads- “Black Lives Don’t Matter”.

If you remember back when celebrities were busy raising money for New Orleans, Kanye West said as much on live television with Mike Myers looking thoroughly shell shocked as he stood next to him. But, in retrospect, it wasn’t shocking at all to suggest that President Bush didn’t care about black people. After all, why would he? Even his mother is on record as making a flippant remark about their predicament after Katrina hit. And, if Bush’s response (or rather lack thereof) isn’t bad enough, let’s not forget that as people sat for many days on their rooftops waiting to be rescued…FEMA was actually making things a lot worse including cutting the power lines and preventing parishes from being able to communicate their desperate needs to anyone that would listen. This would imply active complicity in making things worse, not better. People trying to flee the city were prevented from doing so under threat of armed national guard blocking the bridges and freeways, and everybody was told to make their way to the Super Dome that would quickly devolve into an absolutely sickening nightmare for anyone that happened to be unfortunate enough to get stuck within in its hellish confines.

Victims of Hurricane Katrina

The conditions within the Super Dome grew so deplorable that many suffocated under the strain of the chaos that ensued due to lack of water, food, sanitation, security, and sleep that occurred from these circumstances. Robberies, assaults, and rapes were not uncommon from the roving gangs of hoodlums that preyed upon the young, weak, good, and elderly people. And, even those humanitarian social workers, doctors, psychologists, and priests that attempted to help were soon forced to make a hasty retreat when their own safety was imperiled by remaining. Those outside of the Super Dome faced an even more uncertain future in their attempts to survive through scavenging for food, water, and other essentials. According to a New Orleans police officer that bravely went on the record, the NOPD were told to shoot on site anyone they saw looting. And, although one surmises that there were officers whose consciences wouldn’t allow it, obviously the many dead that littered the brown, watery streets of New Orleans attested to the fact that some cops did shoot those whom they thought were looting…even if it was essentials like food and water for survival. Clearly the National Guard and Blackwater mercenaries (who were on the scene) have no compunction about killing people in a declared state of national emergency, especially under such chaotic and unaccountable conditions where the likelihood of being prosecuted is virtually nil.

Face Down in the Muck

The Need for a New Black Consciousness in an Era Plagued by Thugs on Both Sides of the Racial Divide

Frederic Douglas

In light of the events of Ferguson, MO, I would like to take this time to write about some of my views regarding black radicalism, police brutality, and the necessity for a revival of a strong “black consciousness” in America…an aspect of which is a new found black militancy. Given how thoroughly dumbed-down, manipulated, and reactionary the current dialogue on race politics is in the media, it is high time that we look back on the African American experience with a sharp eye focused on what could be described as radical voices by today’s PC standards but are very worthy and necessary in understanding just what is going on today in the major cities of this country, where black people are actually worse off than they were some 50 years ago. Therefore, let us begin with a quote by the influential black intellectual and writer, James Baldwin, who wrote these words to his 14-year-old nephew:

“You were born where you were born and faced the future that you faced because you were black and for no other reason. The limits to your ambition were thus expected to be settled. You were born into a society which spelled out with brutal clarity and in as many ways as possible that you were a worthless human being. You were not expected to aspire to excellence. You were expected to make peace with mediocrity.”

Certainly, this 2nd class citizenship continues today in a climate more rife with racial antagonisms than ever before. Besides racial hatreds that have persisted, albeit in perhaps more covert and hidden forms, what has changed since the Civil Rights era in black peoples’ relationship with the police? Well, for one thing, the police have become much more of a para-military force now and (thanks in large part to the Obama administration) have military-grade equipment and a wide assortment of so-called non-lethal weapons that they can use on violent or peaceful protestors, as you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut3xsdkIWhg

As you’re no doubt aware, immediately following the Darren Wilson (no indictment verdict)…the mostly black suburb of Ferguson, Missouri outside of St. Louis went up in flames with mass looting, shooting, and destruction of businesses and government buildings. However, the black teenager, Michael Brown, wasn’t exactly a poster child for good black citizenry. In fact, all indications showed him to be an amoral thug, who was even caught on video camera shortly before he was shot robbing a convenience store and pushing the clerk out of the way when he attempted to stop him. Later, he was reportedly walking down the middle of the street preventing traffic from moving when Wilson told him to get out of the street. Brown shouted an obscenity at the officer, and that’s when Wilson attempted to apprehend Brown. This is where accounts get fuzzy as to what occurred next. Some eye witnesses say that Michael Brown had his hands up in the air and was trying to get away when Wilson shot him. However, according to Darren Wilson’s account that apparently the grand jury agreed with, the much heavier Michael Brown attacked Wilson and tried to reach for his gun at which point Darren Wilson defended himself in the only way he believed he could and escape with his life…namely by taking Brown’s life.

Of course, arguments will naturally arise as to whether or not lethal force was even necessary at all. In other words, why couldn’t Wilson have shot him in the leg or something? Or, why didn’t he use his taser or pepper spray? Since I wasn’t there, and there isn’t any video of the encounter…we’ll likely never know for sure the details as to what really took place. However, the truth (more often than not) probably falls somewhere in the middle. What is pretty certain at this stage is that Michael Brown was a typical “thug” teenager, who like most have a sense of entitlement and like many of those in Ferguson will use any excuse to loot out of opportunism without really posing any threat to the establishment itself.

This is in sharp contrast to the Afro-Centric radicalism and departure from the white establishment that groups like the Black Panther Party represented. I was fortunate enough to meet one of the co-founders of the original Black Panther Party that started in Oakland, CA as a way to combat rampant police abuse, repression, and occupation of black neighborhoods…Mr. Bobby Seale. Along with Huey Newton, Bobby and Eldridge Cleaver’s genesis for the Black Panther Party grew out of a growing frustration among the black community to be unable to use the legal system in obtaining justice from wanton police harassment, arrest, and brutality largely just being black. Bobby Seale gave the keynote address at the “2nd Annual Police Accountability Summit” here in Austin, TX that I attended, which you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRPi0UBNV-M

Black Panther Party

The Black Panther Party wasn’t just for self-defense, however, but taught black empowerment, opened up their own school to teach young black children, and even had a couple of businesses that they ran to profit the community. Again, their focus wasn’t simply on hating all white people as the New Black Panthers seem to only care about but rather to elevate the black people of their community beyond their ghetto circumstances and give them a sense of pride based on imparted self-worth and actual accomplishment. Before he was assassinated, Malcolm X also tried to point out the ways in which white society had corrupted the minds of black people into believing themselves to be inferior as you can see in this clip entitled “Who Taught You to Hate Yourself?”. Unfortunately, J. Edgar Hoover launched a fierce campaign of violence and subversion against the Black Panther Party as part of the Cointel Program to neutralize what the Feds saw as threats to the American (that is to say rich white people) way of life.

COINTEL PRO Beware My Friends

Once the Black Panther Party and other Afro-Centric and militant black groups like MOVE were systematically destroyed, a new image began to emerge that is now so perverted, so vile, so thuggish, and so just plain stupid as to be diametrically opposed to everything Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X fought and were assassinated for, namely to free black people not merely from the shackles of segregation (King) and mental slavery (Malcolm) but to empower them to stand as equals among the fellowship of men and women. This is why the welfare state is so insidious to a poor black family given that it represents a new kind of slavery and servitude born out of an inability and unwillingness to raise family through gainful employment while at the same time keeping themselves tied like a baby’s umbilical cord to their new master, Uncle Sam. Much of this infantalism is now displayed with no sense of shame for all the world to see in way that previous generations would have openly mocked.

Chris Rock’s signature comedic bit seen in his HBO Special “Bring the Pain” was called “Black People vs. Niggas”. He explicates the problem quite well and humorously in this fantastic bit, since as a black man himself and a comic he’s poised to be able to speak frankly about race in a way that hardly anyone else in the limelight can. Prior to him, Richard Pryor used classic comedic bits to elucidate race in way that opened up a greater dialogue and showed how comedy alone can break down racial barriers once thought rigid. For Pryor, the word “nigger” was simply apart of the language of the black vernacular in the places he grew up in along with being an easy comedic device to generating laughs in his act. It wasn’t until he had the chance to visit Africa for the first time that his eyes and mind were opened up to seeing the use of the word “nigger” as not merely an affectionate term when used by your black friends and racist when used by white people but rather as something that black people themselves denigrate themselves with absent any white people, since it really signifies someone who is ignorant. It was a turning point in Pryor’s life for him to come to this insight, which he shared with an audience during his “Live on the Sunset Strip” performance. One of the most insightful and brilliant creations that I’ve ever seen that commented on this crisis within the American black populace to celebrate “niggerdom” (i.e. idiocy and infantile lunacy) was shown on an animated TV show called “Boondocks” in an episode that depicted what might happen were Dr. Martin Luther King to return from the dead to the modern world. Needless to say, he is thoroughly disgusted by what black people have become in the ensuing years since the Civil Rights era of the late 60s and in a moment of outrage at what he sees he speaks his mind at a party held on his behalf. The name of the episode is entitled “Return of the King”.

American History X Smoking

So, the question is, how did black people go from Richard Pryor to Tyler Perry? Or, from Marvin Gaye to Kanye West? Or, worse still Lil’ John? Black people have always been musical innovators from the early pioneers of Rock N’ Roll with Chuck Berry and Little Richard to the Soul Music of James Brown and Aretha Franklin to the great Blues musicians of Muddy Waters, B.B. King, and Robert Johnson…American music has always been filled with great black musicians. Now, it’s so-called hip-hop and rap that dominate the airwaves and what most black people listen to. However, the rap of today is a far cry from the early pioneers of rap that came to the fore in the late 70s and early 80s. Rappers like Grand Master Flash, RUN-DMC, and the Sugar Hill Gang were mixing funk and rock riffs and beats to lyrics that spoke to traditional themes of ghetto hardships, black empowerment, or simply having a good time spitting rhymes. Now, it’s dominated by thug posers like 50 Cent, big ass whores like Nikki Minaj, moronic hood rats like Lil’ John, and greed-obsessed exhibitionists like Jay-Z. This can’t be the best that black musicians have to offer, can’t it?

Professor Griff of Public Enemy would say that it is nothing short of conspiracy in order to lead the black man astray down the path of self-imposed ignorance, degradation, exploitation, and ultimately ruin in attempting to live out the opulent and extravagant fantasies show in rap videos these days. And, I’m inclined to believe that there’s probably some truth to that along with most of the stupid music industry following whatever moronic trend that’s going on at the time. One could certainly make the case for gangsta rap having started the trend back in the 80s, especially once the crack cocaine epidemic hit Los Angeles. Anyone wanting to know how crack was introduced into neighborhoods like Compton should read former San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb’s work, who shows how it was a CIA operation was part of the war with the Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua to funnel cocaine into this country and guns into Central America. So, we can trace at least the crack explosion to the CIA. But, what about the music industry? One way to follow the narrative would be to look at what happens when rappers like Tupac, who’s mother was a member of the Black Panther Party, attempts to shed light on the suppression and oppression of black people. He’s killed on the Las Vegas strip, and nobody is indicted for his murder? Or, how about the career of the sublimely beautiful Lauren Hill? Granted, she was chastised for taking the time to raise her son, but then she came to realize that she didn’t want any part of what she had correctly deemed as a wicked and corrupt industry along with much of the rest of the world as you can see her discuss in this revelatory Def Poetry recital.

So, we’ve come full circle now. From the LA riots after the Rodney King verdict in 1992 to the riots in Ferguson after the “no indictment” of Darren Wilson, expressions of rage against the police (whether justified or not) certainly shouldn’t be directed against businesses in your own community, where even black owned businesses were trashed. They should be directed against the police, their headquarters, and other government officials like the mayor, chief of police, and state representatives that you believe are oppressing your people. After all, it’s people like the governor that are bringing in the national guard against you not the corner liquor store owner. Besides, do you really want to be shot for stealing a pair of Nike sneakers or a bottle of Johnny Walker Black? Killed for mindless consumerism? To be a revolutionary means not accepting how the established order defines you, and what could be more status quo than keeping people identifying themselves as “consumers” of products made by Third World wage slaves many of whom are black? Liberation politics means a revolution of ideas, and the idea that I am proposing (which as a white guy I realize isn’t PC to propose but I’m doing it anyway) is that black people adopt some revolutionary ideas for someone in your impoverished condition.

That is- “Empower yourself by educating yourself (read to your kids), black men start actually raising your children as fathers and supporting the family you helped create, get off welfare completely, stop blaming white people for all of your problems as most of them are your own creation, learn to start your own businesses and manage your own money (there’s more to finance than shiny rims after all), understand how to be civil and honorable, take pride in your accomplishments instead of having an attitude of entitlement (you don’t deserve reparations because you were never a slave), and stop glorifying and celebrating the most depraved, ego-centric, and criminal aspects of a corrupted corporate culture.” Once you do that, you can now begin the long struggle back up to the top of that fabled mountaintop that Dr. King talked about and certainly didn’t end with an Uncle Tom getting into the White House. I’ll end with the man Ossie Davis rightly described as “our shining black prince”, Mr. Malcolm X speaking about why black people shouldn’t trust the house negro, many of whom you’ll see in the US government. I can certainly think of a few…can you?

Malcolm X Be Peaceful Unless Someone Puts His Hands on You