Tag Archives: Phone Drones

What’s Wrong with the Kids Today? (A Study in the Social Engineering of America’s Youth)

I’ve reached an age now, unfortunately, where I’m completely “out of step” with the entire current and flow of the times. And, when I say everything, I mean the values, the culture, the ideologies, the attitudes, the music, the priorities, and pretty much everything else that defines modernity, which is (to my mind) more and more resembling some kind of hybrid Frankenstein-like monstrosity cross between George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Mike Judge’s prescient movie “Idiocracy”. One of the central arguments to my overriding critique is that, beginning with the Millennial Generation and moving forward to their “born digital” children, this country has been systemically transformed into nation of entitled, politically-correct, hyper-sensitive, pussies, and wussies, who due to an extended (and some would argue never ending) childhood along with a heavy dose of social engineering is ushering in the transformation of society into the hands of the Trans-humanist Agenda.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

The philosophy of trans-humanism is based on the insidious assumption that humans should and must merge with the machines of their making becoming an essentially cybernetic organism in order to transcend the limitations of their own innate biology. The confluence of technologies being heavily funded by DARPA and other invested technocrats to bring this about involve everything from nano-technology, cryogenics, genetic manipulation of DNA, robotics, cybernetics, and of course quantum computing or AI (Artificial Intelligence). Now, much of the research and development for these convergent technologies is being done at the university level prior to either being implemented within the military (where soldiers are always the guinea pigs of mad scientists along with the traditional cannon fodder of wars) or farmed out to the corporate world and into the public domain. However, in order to get the public to accept increasing levels of techno-fascist control (let alone willfully go along with such a radical transformation of our very evolution as a species), you’ve got to get the younger generations alienated from their core self, which is one of the real functions of schooling. Afterwards, they can be transformed into obedient servants of the ruling elite, mindless consumers with no moral compass, and socially collectivized through various means. And, wouldn’t you know it? This is exactly what’s been going on.

Living in the Matrix

Now, as I’ve discussed previously, the origins of this country’s decent into a collectivized, dependent, mass -society rather than one that values individual liberty, ingenuity, self-reliance, and producing its own needs for itself goes back much further in history to right after the Civil War. If you study history, you’ll find that it was during the period of reconstruction from about the 1870’s to the 1890’s where so many of the institutions that we now take for granted really came into being. One of those was public schooling, which prior to that period didn’t exist in the form we know it as today. And yet, most people in America were still some of the most literate and educated people in the world. However, during this time, the founders of the US system of public schooling imported an idea that had started in Prussia (what is now mostly Germany) in order to create a “dumbed down” class willing to serve a corporate financial and industrial elite, who managed to consolidate their power into monopolies and later cartels of great wealth and power. So, while there was a literal machining of America’s economic power and shift from the largely rural farming and ranching life into the factory jobs of the cities, there was also a corresponding machining of the American mind as well from one of the resourceful pioneer spirit to one adaptive to being a cog in the machine of corporate industry.

Looking for Life Except on Earth

Now, as time went on and the social engineers perfected their methods, we saw the rise of what Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book Between Two Ages called the “psycho-civilized” society when kids were given Ritalin, Adderol, and Zoloft in the 1990s. This reminds me of what Aldous Huxley was talking about in Brave New World with a drug that he called “soma”, which was administered to essentially placate any anxieties you might have about your life in a coercive micro-managed society. What had changed in the civilization that schools were now being turned into psychiatric-administered prisons? Charting the shift in focus isn’t necessarily easy to pinpoint, but a good indication as to where it took shape was around the late 1960’s and early 1970’s when you saw college campuses radicalized due to Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Movement, etc. It was also around that time when the US government was experimenting on unsuspecting soldiers, students, medical patients, and others during the infamous MK-ULTRA Program, which studied the effects of various chemical, electrical, and hypnotic methods of inducing different levels of mind-control. What Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey were doing in proselytizing the use of LSD actually had an decidedly un-radical effect on generations of youth, who “dropped out, turned on, and tuned out”. After all, you can’t very well affect much radical change in the systems of power killing people in Vietnam, regimenting people’s lives in corporate offices, and subjecting black people to 2nd class citizenship if your brain is fried from taking too many hits of acid doled out by hippies acting as unpaid stooges of the CIA and FBI.

And so, the Utopian promises of the Hippies and Yippies turned into the Dystopian nightmare of the Hipsters and Yuppies, where it has remained ever since. And, yet just when you thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse than that….it has. The hedonistic drug-addled days of the cocaine and disco-fueled 70’s followed by the moronic, moralistic, and greedily ego-inflated cocaine and hair band fueled 80’s weren’t what you would call high water marks in American history, but you could have some mindless fun dancing the night away blitzed out of your mind in the never ending pursuit of trying to get laid (at least until AIDS scared the shit out of people enough to think about getting married). Now, when you look at kids in their teens or even people in their 20’s, it’s like looking into a blank cypher, not even from the drugs so much as the hypnotic trance that is induced from their cell phone fetishism.

Cell Phone Suck

They’ve also often got their ear buds in and are listening to their i-Tunes or something, which (if it was put out in the last 20 years) probably sucks. Granted, this is an opinion, but it’s also one of basic musical taste that even an 8-year-old can usually distinguish. After all, as one guy said, “the 1960’s had Jimi Hendrix, whereas we got Lenny Kravitz.” The 60’s had Janus Joplin, whereas we have Miley Cyrus. Even in the realm of Hip Hop, the 80’s had RUN-DMC, Beastie Boys, Grandmaster Flash, and Public Enemy. This generation has Lil Jon, Lil Wayne, and Lil Kim. They’ve gotten so stupid, I suppose, that they can’t even be bothered to actually spell out “Little” and therefore have to abbreviate it to “Lil” for people that can’t spell anyway. If only they had that “Lil” bit of talent it takes to actually be worth listening to, I might give a rat’s ass. Sorry, all you Millennials and younger. You clearly lose out in the cultural wars by a long shot. “So what if the music is a lot worse?”, you ask. What does that have to do with anything? Let’s just say that a big part of the social conditioning that goes on in the course of “dumbing down” a population is done in the course of their music, since this particular art form (more than any other) defines the cultural tonality and attitude of an entire generation.

Modern Education

Now, that we’re living in what the media is calling a “Post-Truth” era, is it possible to see what’s going on with college-aged kids now without falling for all the “Social Justice Warrior” bullshit that is so typical in social media these days? Perhaps it is, and if you’ve got the patience to follow my line of reasoning, I hope you show how it’s comprehensible. First, you might remember that what could have turned into a actual movement but never seemed to gain any footing outside camping outside parks, bridges, and City Halls, we can see some of what I’ve described as “collectivization” during the “Occupy Wall Street” protests. Anytime a speaker would address those assembled, everybody would repeat what the speaker said immediately after it was said. Are we to conclude that people had to repeat the words just in case they didn’t hear it the first time? And, if so, why would everybody be so hard of hearing? Or, was it more likely a way of socially indoctrinating the people into “group think”, which is to say no thinking at all? I personally lean towards the later. There’s also been heavy protests around university campuses to remove Civil War era statues, particularly if the statue in question is a Confederacy figure. After all, we can’t have these statues honoring these men as they were obviously racist and blah, blah, blah. I hate to break it to these dumb ass kids, but most everyone in the South and even in the Northern states (in spite of what you may have heard) were racist back in the Civil War days. So, about the only thing they’ll accomplish in removing these statues at public expense (mind you) is that the next time they take a history exam where they’re asked who the major Confederate General was during the Civil War, they won’t have the General Lee statue to remind them of it on their test anymore. How ridiculous has it gotten when university students are now advocating for “limiting free speech” instead of expanding it? In many ways, this is actually going in reverse to the days of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) back in the 60’s, which whatever you think think of their politics at least fought to be heard among their peers rather than censoring them. When conservative speakers like Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter aren’t even allowed to give a talk on campus grounds, what does that say about freedom to explore different ideas (no matter how you might object to them) at college? Or, what kind of climate does it foretell when college professors are essentially shouted down for what a student would call a “micro affront” or “mini aggression” to use their Newspeak.

Education as Escape From Reality

And now, you’ve got high school kids walking out of their classes (not because they’ve finally come to understand how schools are giving them a 12-year lobotomy and engaging in behavioral modification) but because they feel “unsafe” in schools. Hello, retards! I mean, mentally-disabled to be politically correct about it. You do realize that life can’t be made perfectly “safe”? In fact, you’ll find out just how “unsafe” it can be when you start driving and realize that you can’t steer a car and text with the same hand. Then, you’ll end up plowing into a retainer wall on your way to work at Burger King, which is about all your diploma will be good for when you graduate. So, here we have whole swaths of kids, who are openly attacking the 2nd Amendment based on the Parkland High School shooting in Florida instead of looking at why the FBI that were given multiple warning signs never followed up or why a deputy waited outside the building for at least 4 minutes, while the shooting was taking place instead of immediately entering the school. A similar situation was reported to have occurred at the Columbine shooting, where cops waited outside for a long enough time until there were enough killed to justify more gun control legislation that is sure to follow. All that’s needed to see how these kinds of scenarios are allowed to play out is to enact a “problem” (school shootings), get the inevitable “result” (shock and outrage), and then bring in your “solution” (more gun control and psychiatric involvement in schools), which was planned all along. Limiting the 2nd Amendment only serves to further enslave the citizenry to the totalitarian goals of an unchecked police state, whereas getting kids off of mood-altering SSRI drugs and arming certain teachers and/or security guards on a school campus would help greatly in actually doing what is necessary to solve the problem. But, to do this would counter act these students’ long-time programming leading up to what Aldous Huxley envisioned in Brave New World of a society, wherein people would actually come to love their slavery and by extension their masters. It is these masters of manipulation and social engineering, who don’t so much shoot bullets as they do situations and create the Pavlovian response conditions for an obedient, dumb, and hyper-reactionary citizenry through subtle forms of conditioning.

Aldous Huxley Quote on psycho-pharma fascism