Tag Archives: Real Conspiracy to Kill Dr. Martin Luther King

The Real Conspiracy to Kill Dr. Martin Luther King

Recently, the anniversary of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assassination occurred, and come 2018…it will be the 50 year anniversary of that tragic day on April 4th, 1968 when King was shot dead standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. In spite of the “official” news account that pinned the assassination on a poor white petty criminal named James Earl Ray, the real story of how, why, and what actually occurred to America’s favorite Civil Rights leader isn’t nearly as simple as the story of a racist “lone nut” that sought to silence King’s dream forever. The real tragedy goes beyond the death of one influential man, however, and it is more than a little telling that we are as a nation still living the bitterness, resentments, and occasional violent flare ups of racial division as the events of Ferguson and others prove all too often these days as the enmity between the police and black America continues to grow with no end in sight. Therefore, I would argue that the lessons of the Civil Rights movement have yet to be fully learned on all sides of the racial divide, and there is much work to be done in order to achieve anything close to a peace that comes from true justice being served.

With that in mind, let’s explore the real conspiracy of the MLK assassination from several different angles in order to get a better grasp on this crucial period and personage in history. We can certainly demolish the myth of that day and the so-called “shooter”, James Earl Ray, as it is now clearer than ever that he was the patsy set to be the “fall guy” for the murder. Just who was James Earl Ray anyway? I recently finished reading a book called Truth at Last that was written in part by John Larry Ray, James’ brother, about the rather checkered history of the Ray family, its run-ins with the mob, and the subsequent railroading of James for the King assassination that even the surviving King family doesn’t think he committed.

Truth at Last book cover

Unfortunately, at the time, he admitted to the murder on the recommendation of his then attorney Percy Foreman, since he told his brother that he felt “boxed in”. By that, I mean that he knew the government knew of his shooting a black soldier named Washington back when he was an Army MP during WWII. At the time, it was his job to arrest soldiers for misconduct such as going AWOL, but apparently the Washington shooting that left him paralyzed for the rest of his life really haunted Ray till the day he died. The severe guilt and trauma that resulted from the Washington shooting likely targeted him as hypnosis candidate and was later exploited into what appears to be a full fledged mind-control program directed against him. There were numerous occasions when James was “experimented” upon by what he called “bug” doctors, i.e. psychiatrists of various stripes. As John Larry Ray reports in Truth at Last:

“According to George McMillan’s book, The Making of an Assassin, U.S. Army records (no longer in existence) show that the army gave James two lumbar punctures (spinal taps)- one in the spring, on March 25, shortly before or around the time his army serial number changed, and the second at about the time James claimed he was sick and missed his shift…Lumbar punctures can be used to administer drugs. Why did the army claim James was ‘drunk’ when he had just had a spinal tap? Did the first spinal procedure have anything to do with the Washington shooting?

James Earl Ray Mugshot

Lyndon Barsten [co-author of the book Truth at Last] suggested to me for the first time that the meaning of the Washington shooting might have been an early mind-control experiment- that this is what haunted James. I have seen FBI documents that show Jimmy later saw two hypnotists in LA, one of whom had been an army intelligence officer during the war. It wouldn’t be like James to tell me he saw these ‘bug’ doctors. But he did tell me that he thought the feds were messing with his mind.”

MK-Ultra Project

Even though most of the documents were ordered destroyed by Richard Helms, thousands of documents were saved from the shredder of the notorious CIA MK-ULTRA program that began shortly after the recruitment of Nazi scientists, spies, and psychiatric doctors into the US National Security State through Operation Paperclip. This is now a very well documented part of history and was even partially investigated by the US Congress in the Church Committee or House Select Committee on Assassinations that looked at the MLK and JFK assassinations. I say “partially” because the driving force behind the Senate investigations into CIA and FBI malfeasance and skulduggery, Mark Lane, quickly came to the conclusion that they weren’t going to amount to much and that the committee was hijacked shortly after it was convened.

Mark Lane, who is famous for writing the first book questioning the Warren Commission findings into the JFK assassination entitled Rush to Judgment, also co-authored a book on the MLK assassination with conspiracy-minded comic, Dick Gregory, called Code Name “Zorro”. You can hear Mark Lane and Hosea Williams, a close confidant of King’s, talking about the conspiracy to kill King on an old Morton Downey Jr. Show that relates the following story. Both Lane and Gregory met with Walter Fauntroy, who was a member of the committee, as did John Larry Ray. According to John, he “said to me many times that he knew the FBI and the CIA were behind the murder of Dr. King.” However, he was “afraid to say it publicly, but Fauntroy, like most black people, instinctively knew the truth.” Much later on, Dick Gregory would show people a video of a Rev. Samuel “Billy” Kyles speaking about his meeting with Dr. King shortly before he is murdered, who makes a Freudian slip in front of TV news cameras by admitting that he “moved out of the way so that he could have a clear shot”. This is a clear demonstration of how the FBI not only had informants but apparently co-conspirators inside of Dr. King’s organization prior to his assassination.

Code Name Zorro Book Cover

One of the programs that HSCA investigated was the FBI Cointelpro Programs orchestrated suspected communists, New Left subversives, and “black nationalists” like the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther Party. Along with more “radical” and “revolutionary” groups, however, the FBI also had King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) heavily infiltrated and offices bugged. FBI Chief, J. Edgar Hoover, had a particular loathing for Dr. King and was able to convince then Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, that the SCLC had people in it that were members of the Communist Party. I’ve yet to see any evidence that King’s closest associates were communists (although it’s possible a couple might have attended a few harmless meetings). The FBI, though, didn’t so much investigate the so-called communist infiltrators as they did King himself, who J. Edgar Hoover was attempting to completely discredit in the minds of the public. At one point, the FBI even went so far as to send him a letter along with sending his wife tapes of him supposedly having an affair with another woman recommending that he commit suicide as the only “honorable” way out.

It is perhaps no small irony that RFK would also be assassinated shortly after King in another orchestrated conspiracy that involved a mind-controlled patsy named Sirhan Sirhan. But, I’ll save that story for another day. Let’s go back to Ray’s narco-hypnotic programming. James Earl Ray made several trips to Montreal, Canada in the 1960’s where he was hypnotically programmed by MK-ULTRA Dr. Ewen Cameron, who worked at Allen Memorial Hospital out of McGill University. In Truth at Last, we read how “James met CIA asset Jules Ron ‘Ricco’ Kimble. According to what Kimble told a BBC team working on a special about the King assassination in 1989, Kimble took James to an identities specialist at the Central Intelligence Agency, who gave James the cover identity of ‘Eric S. Galt’. There was a real Canadian named Eric S. Galt who had a security clearance, and that could have helped the future patsy to walk away from any sticky situations.”

Kimble is currently serving a double life sentence in Texas for murder and is a notorious racist, which is the kind of person the feds want associating with Ray even though there’s nothing in his past that indicates he was a racist despite rumors to the contrary. Anyway, according to Lyndon Barston who spoke with him by phone, “he and James were both directed to a new Holiday Inn, built for the Expo ’67″…where “an older man came out from McGill University’s Allen Memorial Institute to hypnotize” both James and Kimble. Turns out that at this same time, “Allen Memorial Institute at McGill’s housed Subproject 68 of the CIA’s notorious MK-Ultra mind control program. The agency had data from way back in 1948 that James could be controlled. They called on Allen Memorial Institute boss, Dr. Ewen Cameron, to ensure that James was indeed a proper patsy.” Continuing, he says that a FOIA “request to the CIA revealed that Cameron’s security clearance at the agency was bumped up a couple of notches as the machinery of the King murder plot began to turn. Cameron wouldn’t live more than a matter of days after James left Canada in 1967. He died of a reported heart attack up in the mountains.” It’s well known (as the HSCA showed with the poison dart gun) that the CIA is notorious for being able to kill people through chemically-induced heart attacks along with any number of methods of killing and making it appear to be “natural causes”.

Senator Frank Church

As everyone knows, Dr. King was in Memphis to support a sanitation worker’s strike, but Ray was maneuvered into the Memphis boarding house by a man that he called “Raoul” or “Raul”, who had Ray involved in a gun smuggling operation into Mexico. This was the man that was discovered to be Ray’s handler and made sure he was in place at the right time so that he could be the convenient patsy for the assassination after a rifle with Ray’s prints was thrown down at the scene, which ballistics could never match with the actual gun and caliber bullet that actually killed King. All of these inconsistencies and details would have come out had there been a trial that Ray fought for and was denied to the end of his life until William Pepper, who was James’ last attorney, and wrote three books on the MLK assassination would finally do the next best thing and have a trial in the case of The King Family et al vs. Loyd Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators in 1999. The jury would find James Earl Ray innocent of the King assassination (that was the result of a conspiracy), and the King family was so satisfied with both the trial and verdict that they even posted the entire transcript of the trial on their website. To this day, the mainstream media has completely ignored this historic and groundbreaking piece of jurisprudence history and continues to promote the lies of their typically moronic and myopic “lone nut” theories that have, by now, been resoundingly and convincingly refuted. Case closed.

Martin Luther King Legacy